Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bariatric Betty's 90 days begins!

I had my first appointment with Drew, a P.A. who has worked with many patients who are planning for bariatric surgery.  He seems to be very knowledgable about everything that I need to do to prepare - both for myself and the insurance company's certification process. 

1) I need to see him 3 more times in the next 90 days or so.
2) I need to keep a food and exercise diary - he suggested and it seems to be pretty user friendly.  Best of all, I can invite my support team to be my "friends" and then they can see how I'm doing each day.
3) I need to see a nutritionist 3 times in the next 90 days to become better educated about how to eat healthy now and after surgery.
4) I need to see a psychologist three times in the next 90 days to help him evaluate me as a candidate for the surgery and help prepare me emotionally for my life post-surgery.
5) I need to work with an exercise physiologist/ trainer who can document my progress with her over the next 90 days, meeting with her at least three times.

At the end of that, he will assemble a packet of everyone's consults and reports plus printouts of my food and exercise diary and send it to Hospital C which will add their parts and send it to my insurance company for pre-certification approval.  Then they can schedule my surgery! 

I'm thinking about sharing this blog with the support team, but I'll probably wait until I know them better :)

I have my first nutrionist and psych appointments in 6 days.  My first surgical consult is in 3 weeks.  My husband is getting me a membership to the gym at his work - Drew knows a trainer there who he said is great at documenting everything we need.  Step by step...

On a positive note, even though I've only lost a couple of pounds, I have been getting complements from people who say that I'm looking like I've lost weight.  It's mostly just improved muscle tone, but I still enjoy the complements!

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